HTML5 Video Gallery with a cool ‘Live playlist’ feature could be used as video gallery, video player or any kind of video showcase. All demo examples includedin the download package for easy setup.
- Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
- Responsive layouts
- Multiple instances in same page supported (example included)
- Youtube API V3
- Single video
- Youtube playlist
- Youtube channel
- Youtube user channels
- Youtube video search
- Playlist types availabile
- HTML markup
- XML playlist (example included)
- Read folder of videos
- Mix together Youtube and MP4 videos to create any kind of playlist
- Optional deeplinking with jquery address
- Optional automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube
- You can use your own thumbnails and video info for Youtube as well.
- Video subtitles, captions support in srt/vtt format for html5 video.
- Wall layout features
- Optional Lightbox attached to videos
- Optional web links attached to videos
- Empty video click actions (run your own actions on video click)
- ‘Live preview’ feature is optional (automatically play video on playlist item rollover)
- Optional right click context menu
- Optional video download (specify your own path)
- Youtube video search option for Youtube
- Optional Youtube suggested video quality
- Video quality option (for youtube grabs all available qualities automatically, for mp4 videos any number of qualities can be set)
- Optional pre roll ads with skip advance and link settings (video adverts)
- Video adverts can have optional quality, subtitles and description as well like the main video
- Video aspect ratio (original, fit inside, fit outside)
- Optional video autoplay
- Optional random play
- Optional video looping
- Optional auto advance to next video
- Optional auto hide controls
- Optional description
- Optional auto open description
- Optional player logo with link
- Public API available
- Play media
- Pause media
- Toggle media
- Next media
- Previous media
- Destroy media
- Destroy playlist
- Seek
- Toggle description
- Get title
- Get description
- Load media or playlist
- Get playlist data
- add Track(s) to playlist
- remove Track(s) from playlist
- Skip Intro
- Callbacks available
- Setup Done
- Playlist End
- Playlist Loaded
- Item Triggered
- Video Start
- Video End
- Play
- Pause
- Playlist Item Enabled
- Playlist Item Disabled
- Playlist Item Rollover
- Playlist Item Rollout
- Playlist Empty
- Fullscreen Enter
- Fullscreen Exit
- Caption (subtitle) change
- Quality change
Updates / Changelog
version 4.1
- updated subtitles to srt / vtt format
- updated big play btn over video area
- updated youtube suggested quality
version 4.0
- only mp4 video format required for all browsers
- update to Youtube api V3
- updated live playlist layout
version 3.65
- only mp4 video format required for all browsers
version 3.63
- updated youtube for http and https
version 3.62
- fixed some bugs with ios
version 3.61
- Updated captions to load single xml file
- added HTML5 fullscreen for IE11
version 3.6
- subtitles / captions now available for html5 video and youtube
- added optional right click context menu
- many overall improvements
version 3.51
- added social share icons
- added fix for ios chrome popup issue:
version 3.5
- added optional video download (specify your own path)
- added youtube video search option
- added video quality option (for youtube grabs all available qualities automatically, for mp4/ogv/webm videos any number of qualities can be set)
- added optional pre roll video adds with skip advance (video advert)
- added optional timed html elements over video (mid roll adds)
- added optional chapters through video (specify video time and chapter caption)
- new improved API methods
- new callbacks
- new demos
- improved wall HTML markup
- lightbox changed to fancybox2 in wall layout
- added database playlist option (+ examples included)
- added media_id identifier in settings for multiple players (automatically pause/play multiple players in same page)
- added button tooltips
- multiple players in same page supported (example included)
- updated flash embedding for multiple players
- fixed caption menu position
- fixed safari jquery address back from first item issue
- many small improvements
version 3.12
- updated youtube issue
version 3.1
- added HTML5 captions support
- redesigned player controls (+ font awesome icons)
- added timer for hiding player controls in fullscreen
- added social icons
- updated youtube mobile playback
- fixed webm support query
version 3.03
- changed autoplay to on after first play
- added click touch on video
version 3.02
- update to jquery 1.10.2
version 3.01
- fixed youtube tooltip value
- playlist reordering and process important fix for mixed playlists
version 3.0
- whole layouts made completely responsive
- other minor overall code imporvements
10.7.2013 version 2.3
- added XML playlist
- added folder playlist (automatically load videos from folders)
- added option to choose between ogv and webm video format
version 2.21
- added youtube fullscreen button in all browsers
- added youtube option to play highest video quality available
version 2.2
- update to jquery 1.9.1
- update jquery address (for deeplinking) for jquery 1.9.1
- update prettyphoto for jquery 1.9.1
- removed mini toggle button (w_toggle) in widget example (was causing unwanted problems on mobile with video)
version 2.1
- improved youtube filtering (private, deleted, restricted videos)
- video paths separated in index files (mp4, ogv, webm)
- local video fullscreen improved
- video updated for IOS 6
- improved flash backup for older browsers
- optional playlist
- new layouts included (no playlist example, widget example, video wall examples with optional Prettyphoto)
- overall bug fixes and code improvements
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